MS Excel is a boon and a bane.
As Decision Makers, we need to get the relevant information to ease our function;
whereas we end up running a parallel system to ERP.
We also generate through ERP a lot of customised reports that seek to alleviate a specific need.
Reports continue even after the need ceases to exist.
Seeking Information beyond ERP is necessary and inevitable.
However, it is imperative, “Let the Real MIS, please stand up!”
- Dip Stick of Current MIS : List, relevance, usage
- Rationalising the Reports: Source, content, frequency
- Consolidation of reports: Source, content, frequency
- Integration with the existing systems
- Set Protocols for new Report generation, Reports purging and modification
Key features of the approach:
- Involvement of the user throughout the process
- Involvement of the inhouse IT team
- Alignment to the Daily Work Management practices
- 5S application to MIS
- Mechanism to sustain the revisit process
- SoP using RACI model
Enabling Clarity for Informed Decision Making:
- Better tracking and trapping of performance metrics of the business
- Systemic approach to MIS
- Informed decision making
- Reduction in effort required in generating MIS
- Minimise duplication of reporting
- Bring in the three pillars of information viz – Accurate, Timely and Relevant Information